Saturday, 28 February 2015

Dr Demartini - The Biggest Wealth Mistakes

One of the biggest mistakes when trying to create wealth is not to link it with your own skills, with the service YOU can provide

Your Daily Quote - Something Sweet to Say

What sweet thing can you say to your partner today?

"It took you a long time to come into my life, but it was worth the wait"

Friday, 27 February 2015

Seven Ways to Inspire Love in Your Life - Part 3 of 4

By Traci Porterfield

5. Commit to Positive Changes
Everyone has some part of their life they want to improve . . . the “gaps” that exist between who they are and what they want to be. Some of us focus on it regularly, yet for others, it may not be a priority. When you commit to positive change, big or small, your self-love and acceptance will grow, which in turn provides you with more love to give the world. It is never too late for you to make positive changes and to live the life you envision for yourself.

Take action
Do one thing right now that you’ve been procrastinating or resisting doing. If you’re single and want to meet new people and potential partners, consider joining an online dating website. Or as a smaller step, start collecting some fabulous photos of yourself so that when you are ready, you will have some amazing pictures to choose from. For those who want to make new friends who share an interest in a particular activity, is a wonderful resource for finding a group or even starting one of your own.

If you want to nurture your relationship with a spouse or partner, consider how you can be more loving and giving. What lights your partner up? If you don't know for sure, ask. It’s an easy question: “What makes you happy?” And in turn, share what brings you happiness. Take the pressure off your partner by sharing what you like and making it easy for him or her to love you. Also find out what your partner finds romantic or intimate – and share what you like, too. If one person goes to great efforts to prepare something that the other doesn’t even enjoy, the end result can often be disappointment. So talk about it ahead of time. Offer ideas and be open to receiving them. Get excited! It will get you both in the mood for romance and will set the stage for success if you are both on the same page. Remember that we don’t find a relationship that is extraordinary; we create it. Our power lies in our small daily choices, one after another.
Create momentum in your relationships
6. Create Momentum
We can expand love in our life through the power of momentum, taking small steps that build our energy and enthusiasm.  Once we set it in motion, momentum can be an amazing and abundant force for change in our life. How do we get the momentum we need for change that lasts, that inspires and that infuses every day with purpose? We begin today.

Things don’t just happen all at once, they happen gradually. And they progress at an increasing rate as we continue to take steps in the direction of our goals and dreams. We build momentum, and that momentum ultimately takes on a life of its own. It is easier to move if you are already in motion than if you are standing still. Even if you discover that you’re going in the wrong direction, it’s easier to shift course and redirect your flow of energy than to start from scratch.  Also remember that it doesn’t matter where you start; all that matters is that you start.

Take action
What can you do to get some momentum started today? Music is one of the easiest ways to shift your energy quickly, so put on your favorite music and move. Get physically active. Start by setting small, achievable goals. Commit to doing something every day for ten minutes that gets your energy flowing and inspires you. Everyone on this planet can find ten extra minutes, so no excuses! Spend your energy cultivating your own happiness and love. Your inner light will inspire others.


Your Daily Quote - Delegation

You can't hire someone else to do your push-ups for you.
Jim Rohn

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Bob Proctor: The Secret of Self Image

We were created to have and enjoy everything that the world has to offer.

What differentiates the winners from the masses?

Call on your higher self.

You have infinite potential!

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Seven Ways to Inspire Love in Your Life - Part 2 of 4

by Traci Porterfield

2. Embrace Forgiveness and Appreciate Your Past
Mother Teresa once said, “If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive.” If someone has hurt you, betrayed you, or broken your heart, find a way to begin the forgiveness process, for this person has helped you learn about trust and the importance of being more discerning about the people you open your heart to. The physical benefits of forgiveness are undeniable. As researchers have found, while holding onto resentment contributes to increased heart disease and weakened immunity, letting go of old grudges reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. People who forgive tend to have better relationships, feel happier and more optimistic, and enjoy greater psychological wellbeing.
It is easy to be negative about past mistakes, unhappiness, and those we feel have wronged us. However, it is much more healing to look at ourselves and our past in the light of experience, acceptance, and growth. Some of us have emerged from the most painful circumstances with strong insights about who we are and what we want. If we look deeply, we will see that our mistakes have been absolutely necessary. Our frustrations, failures, and stumbling attempts to grow have been necessary, too. Each step of the way, we learned. We went through exactly the experiences we needed to become who we are today. Our past is not a mistake. The only mistake we can make is not learning from our mistakes. You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one. If what you are doing or the way you are being right now no longer serves you, you can wipe the slate clean and start again. It’s never too late.

Take action
As a big fan of the healing power of mantras, I often recommend using the simple mantra I thank you. I bless you. I release you. You can repeat this mantra silently to yourself, bringing into your mind an image of the person you are seeking to forgive. 

3. Focus on Doing Things That Make You Feel Good
What activities fill you with happiness and pleasure? Do you like to walk your dog, go to the gym, watch football, practice yoga, or go for a hike and be in awe of Mother Nature? Keep it simple: do what you love! If you meet a new friend or romantic partner when you’re enjoying your favorite things, it’s an added benefit.

Take action
Make a list of things you love to do and activities you’ve done in the past that made you happy. This week, choose one activity from your list and schedule time to do it. Even better, do one of these activities every day. If you are in a relationship, you can also make a list of the activities that you and your partner enjoy doing together and choose one to do this week.

4. Spend Time with People who Inspire and Support You
We are all influenced by the people we spend the most time with, including our family, friends, and co-workers. If they tend to be optimistic, loving, and supportive, we will benefit from their energy. On the other hand, if we spend a lot of time with people who are negative, critical, or draining, it will be much more difficult to remain balanced and happy. These are words from the introduction to a Chopra Center meditation:
“You are known by the company you keep. We inherit the beliefs of those we spend the most time with. These philosophies become part of our subconscious mind. Research shows we function largely with subconscious minds that have been programed by others, yet we have the amazing ability to change past conditioning, by releasing negativity, interacting with like-minded conscious people, enjoying inspirational sights and sounds, and engaging in uplifting activities. . . . What we place our attention on expands in our lives. Harnessing this power of attention and intention, you can change your life to reflect exactly what you envision.”
I encourage you to surround yourself with those who believe in your potential. Ask yourself: Will spending time with this person drag me down or lift me up?  Will he or she make me want to be a better person? A happier person? A more successful person? Will he or she make me achieve my most important goals? Anyone who inspires you to make your half-hearted attempts more whole-hearted through passion and love is an adored friend and teacher to be cherished.

Take action

This week, make an inventory of the people you surround yourself with and the experiences you are engaging in. Which relationships and activities are nourishing you and which are draining you? Are there any changes you need to make? Are there any conversations you need to have? Choose one small step that will help you fill your life with more loving relationships and experiences and schedule a time to do it within the next two days.

Your Daily Quote - Looking Back

Gordon Ramsay calls it like it is:
I don't like looking back. I'm always constantly looking forward. I'm not the one to sort of sit and cry over spilt milk. I'm too busy looking for the next cow.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

The Power of Personal Responsibility

Take responsibility for your life - It's up to you!

Success, connection, abundance come after it...

It starts with an aim, intention, direction.

Your Daily Quote - Gratitude

I couldn’t choose between the two, so you can have two quotes today as they reinforce each other:
"Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance." Eckhart Tolle
"If a fellow isn't thankful for what he's got, he isn't likely to be thankful for what he's going to get." Frank A. Clark

Monday, 23 February 2015

7 Ways to Inspire Love in Your Life - part 1 of 4

by Traci Porterfield

. If you are experiencing emotional pain stemming from your thoughts about your relationships, it can be helpful to recall the timeless wisdom taught by of many of the world’s great spiritual traditions:
Your essential nature is pure love and pure happiness.
Although we are often deluded into searching outside of ourselves for these qualities, in reality, everything we are seeking is within. Conditioned beliefs may obscure our experience of our essential nature, yet we can rediscover our innate state of love and happiness by taking small and intentional steps.
In honor of one of my all-time favorite books (and required reading for my clients!), The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, I created a list of seven simple steps you can take to inspire more love in your life and in turn, more love in the world.

1. Practice Gratitude

Give thanks for all the things that are going right in your life. We often dwell on the things that are going wrong for us. We take too little time bringing into our awareness all that is awesome − like our health, the roof over our head, the warm and comfy bed we sleep in, our friends, family, and pets.
Make a list of everything you are grateful for. If you have a partner, share your list with him or her. Let your loved ones feel your positive energy. It is infectious and puts everyone in a good mood. Invite them to share with you what they are grateful for as well. The more you are grateful for your blessings, the more blessings you will receive in response to your vibration of gratitude. This is how the universe works. Being happy doesn’t always make us grateful, yet being grateful will always make us happy. Give thanks for the relationships that didn’t work out, embrace the lessons you learned, be thankful for the personal growth, and know in your heart that you are always being prepared for the most supportive, loving relationships to enter your life.

Take action

The greatest gift you can give to people you love is to sincerely express your appreciation for the things that they have given you, including the most valuable gifts of attention, appreciation, acceptance, and affection. This week choose one person you feel grateful for and write him or her a letter expressing your gratitude. Be specific – the more detail the better. What do you truly love and appreciate about this individual? The recipient of your letter will cherish your words forever and think about it often.


Your Daily Quote - Know Yourself

You can see in others only the traits you recognise within yourself. Therefore,

The more you know yourself, the more patience you have for what you see in others.
Erik Erikson
Observe yourself

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Jack Canfield The Success Principles

Jack Canfield shares the story of his life. And how success starts.

It starts with what you are passionate about...

Your Daily Quote - Contribution

“Each of us is a unique strand in the intricate web of life and here to make a contribution.” 
― Deepak Chopra

Pile of stones holding the sun

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Your Six Core Needs - Contribution, part 7 of 7

As discussed in the previous post, the last two human needs – growth and contribution, are needs of the spirit. And meeting them is what ultimately accomplishes our mission, our feeling of a fulfilled life, as human beings.

The need for contribution is one that I believe takes most time to mature in terms of how we meet it. Its scale grows with the person, and takes different proportions depending on the person’s achievements in life, and their social engagement.

What contribution means for a little toddler is helping mum put the toys away, or wash the dishes. Or make a cake – it is a most tangible achievement, and very rewarding, indeed! Then the child moves into the community of its class and school. You know those active children that take part in every committee at school, give their voice at every meeting and want to change the world? They certainly are meeting their need for significance, but also there is the need for contribution met in an ecological, sustainable, resourceful way. When you start doing things for the greater good and not only for your personal satisfaction, this is when you are moving in the right direction of self-fulfillment. Because sooner or later this need will start working on your conscience, and will expect that you give it due attention and effort.

Adults contribute to society in many ways – the head of the family looks after his children, protects his wife and name; we all give our best as employees, business owners, housewives. Family, workplace, immediate community are, most often, grateful beneficiaries of our commitment, dedication, ability and desire to give and not only grow ourselves, but help grow. And the more we meet the need to contribute, the bigger the contribution becomes with every step.

Alternatively, if there is a disharmony between our need and what we actually accomplish, we revert to unresourceful behavioural patterns. We anaesthetise ourselves by watching TV, playing games, watching mindless movies, and having a drink… or five.

It is equally important to find the resourceful ways to contribute to your relationship. If you cannot figure out what to bring into that special environment/community of two, you may fall into a sabotaging withdrawal. Or even into an aggressive attitude, that tries to cover up for the emptiness and lack of clarity on how you can make yourself useful, how you can act and grow so that you feel like you have created, and keep building up, a noteworthy entity.

A relationship based on trust and desire to learn more about the other partner, and contribute to their world, is one that vows for longevity. Contribution starts with a little gesture of generosity, and moves onto selfless acts of responding to the needs of your partner. The next step is to be proactive, to anticipate what will work and make this partnership bigger, of higher grandeur, more mature.

So start listening and noticing – what are your partner’s needs, what works and what needs improvement. Where do you see this relationship in a month? In five years? In 50? How can the two of you turn into two wise, knowledgeable people who cannot only sense each other’s needs and step in when needed, but take this wisdom to a state of living in harmony, and teaching others how to achieve it? Because once you start doing it and applying it every step of the way, the next stage will be to teach it, to spread it. So that you can contribute even further and help create more happy and fulfilled couples.

Elena Alexandrova-Long
Your Coach to Success

Your Daily Quote - Opportunity

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Thomas A. Edison

Friday, 20 February 2015

John Assaraf on Setting and Achieving Goals

In his "hangout" video below, John Assaraf shares his tested strategies on how to set and achieve goals.
First, you need to be specific with WHAT your goals are.
Right after, you need to identify the reason you want to achieve them, the WHY.
The HOW will follow, will find a way, if you have a big enough WHY.
If your reasons are not big enough, you don't have the drive to take you there. You will easily let go of your goals without that drive, because the brain takes the path to least resistance - that's how it's conditioned...


John Assaraf Answers Your Questions LIVE

John Assaraf answers questions on achieving your goals

Your Daily Quote - Life Plan

“Not accomplishing your Life Plan is a tragic act of free will. It is akin to charting an elaborate vacation itinerary before arriving at your holiday destination, with all kinds of plans for outdoor adventures and intentions to go sightseeing and shopping, but then ending up spending the whole trip in your hotel room ordering from room service and watching television. In a similar fashion the unconscious soul spends a lifetime in the semi-conscious state of Divine Disconnection and then returns home mostly ‘empty-handed’.” 
― Anthon St. MaartenDivine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Jack Canfield explains: How To Accelerate Your End Result

What are you ready to settle for?
Do you have your 101 goals for the rest of your life?
And how specific are your goals?

Enjoy this condensed talk!

Happy New Lunar Year

Happy New Lunar Year!

Whether you call it the year of the sheep, the ram (a male sheep), or the goat (sometimes they do look similar, especially in Chinese writing, apparently), my wish to you is to see it as a new period of opportunities to set goals and enhance your life in all main areas of life that are forecast and analysed for each sign of the Chinese zodiac:
 Career - be focused and acquire new skills
Relationships - stay true and respectful of your partner, or if you are single, take the chance to find your soul mate
Health - be consistent, do low-impact exercises, and attend quickly to any injuries
Wealth - if you stick with smart and low-risk investments, most signs will have a successful financial growth.

Now take pen and paper and write down your specific goals!

Your Coach to Success

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Inspirational Story - Nick Vujicic and His Wife

Your Daily Quote - Paying Attention

“Do stuff. Be clenched, curious. Not waiting for inspiration's shove or society's kiss on your forehead. Pay attention. It's all about paying attention. attention is vitality. It connects you with others. It makes you eager. Stay eager.”
Susan Sontag

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Your six core needs – Growth, part 6 of 7


The fifth core need, or as Tony Robbins calls them, human needs, is growth. Unlike the first four, this is a spiritual need. It expresses your intrinsic aspiration and desire for personal fulfilment.
At every stage of their life, a human being looks at wider horizons. After the basic needs are met – for example, of certainty and comfort for the baby when it’s fed, they baby starts looking for variety by virtue of game and play, and wants to learn new tricks, new skills. The cycle repeats itself with adults, on a larger scale. We constantly seek to expand our skills, experience, our understanding of the world around us. It’s an internal drive that makes us search for greater achievement, to look for our true potential.

Look at the different areas of your life – have you grown in your career? Have you been developing your brain, working on your fitness levels? Have you been sustainably and ecologically expanding your social life, or sustaining a high quality of it? Similarly, we grow in our romantic, intimate relationships. If you stay where you are, without stretching, without attempting to learn and apply new skills, you become stale. Your strong relationship with your partner is determined by your dedication to growing the relationship itself, and growing together.

Growing, developing the relationship is a special mixture of ingredients such as: having fun together, becoming more interested in your partner’s interests and hobbies, and taking on new adventures, together! Most couples get together so that they can grow something new with their joint forces – whether it will be a family, with a baby, a dog, building a new house or a business. Couples transform when they put their joint efforts into producing a new creation. The challenges can often be overwhelming and testing. But when you have the shared mission, your big reason “why” and conquer the world with your persistence and dedication, the award at the finish line is gratifying.
At the same time, each of you grow individually. One of you might start practising meditation, and the other one – develop an interest in knitting, or gardening. What is important, is that you support each other, and complement each other’s interests, focus and capabilities. Because we are all called on this journey, the journey of growth. And your partner is your best supporter and mentor.
So, see your potential and take the call. Because, as Ray Kroc said, you are “either green and growing, or ripe and rotting”.

Elena Alexandrova-Long
Your Coach to Success

Your Daily Quote - Challenges

As you grow and succeed - in your life, in your business, problems and challenges do not disappear, but they are of a higher quality.
Elena Alexandrova-Long
From one type of choices and problems
... to higher-quality ones

Monday, 16 February 2015

Your Daily Quote - Your Thoughts

The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.
Marcus Aurelius

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Your Daily Quote - Success

The reason you don't succeed is because you are too comfortable.
Elena Alexandrova-Long

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Tony Robbins - Attracting Your Ultimate Relationship

Three steps to CREATING what you want in your life, with Tony and Sage.

Have you done your list yet?

Happy Valentine's Day, everybody!!!


Friday, 13 February 2015

Your Six Core Needs - Significance and Importance, Part 5 of 7

Significance and Importance

Every person places different weight on the first four needs – some need more connection, others – more variety. But the special thing about significance is that all other needs naturally lead to, and contribute to its fulfillment. If, for example, you get a pretty, fragrant bunch of flowers for your lady, you give her the surprise of variety, which in turn is a reminder and proof of how much you love her. But the thought, the intent, the gesture ultimately tell her that she is special, and it is a confirmation of her significance and importance – in your eyes, and in the eyes of the universe. Same – when you pay her a compliment – for her cooking, her dress, the impeccable way she organises her wardrobe…

And vice versa: if you acknowledge your man for his achievements – whether it’s his career, the way he played tennis the other day, or that he always looks after and protects his family, you are not only showing him love and affection. You are re-iterating to him that he has value, that he is worthy of being “the head” of the family, to consider himself a man of status and standing. Because when you are worthy and significant, you know you belong, and you know you are good enough. Good enough for the role you have in life, for the people you choose to surround yourself with.

Even more amazingly, a person’s significance feeds not only on the love and acknowledgement received. Your significance cup gets full also when you GIVE significance to others! When you listen to others, appreciate their contribution and start noticing the positive things in them, every little achievement, you give them attention and a feeling of completion that reflects back on you. And then you, in your turn, feel fulfilled.

So, be open to these little discoveries. Be observant and present. Be both a giver and receiver. Tell your partner how great they look, laugh at their joke, look them with admiration. Show them, time and time again, that he is your king, that she is your queen. And, just like a champagne tower, this attitude of attention, acknowledgement and gratitude will gradually fill the glasses of all your other needs.

Elena Alexandrova-Long
Your Coach to Success

Your Daily Quote - Relationships

Relationships are like jenga building blocks - a strong foundation, perfect fit and great balance produce a lasting, robust, growing structure. Digging ruins it.
Elena Alexandrova-Long

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Tony Robbins Backstage at Oprah's Lifeclass

Everything has seasons -nature, wealth, emotions. 

Are your emotions in a state of winter?

What is important to remember is, that after winter comes spring. Prepare for the change!

Anticipate it, so that you can turn it into PROGRESS!

Your Daily Quote - Change

When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves.
Viktor E. Frankl

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Your Six Core Needs - Love and Connection, part 4 of 7

When we talk about love and connection between partners, between lovers, we mean much more than the intimate physical attraction and experience. Sex and lust are a great spice to the relationship, but the foundation is much deeper and more profound.

There are two important things, therefore, that we need to remind ourselves about the need of love and connection:
-          It is met at many levels – spiritual, intellectual, physical
-          It is met best not only when receiving, but when giving, as well.

If your partner is your true mate, or soul mate, they love talking to you, sharing experiences, opinions, feelings. Sometimes even challenging you, to test whether the spark still works, whether you will respond. Whether it will be a shared joke, teasing, or luring – it’s a secret game that only the two people privy to it can understand, and play according to the unspoken rules.

When your partner shares – experiences from the day, impressions of the world, their perspective, how often do you make an attempt and are present, and listen – with all your attention? Do you make yourself available for them? Put aside everything you do for 5 minutes, show empathy and act as if you are reading their mind? Let them know that you are there for them, that you will stand by them. And then, only then, start to look for solutions – together. Because often we want the dearest person to just listen, and be present. A great place to connect is among nature, during a short walk together.
When you are intimate with each other, do you have an interlude? Because, as it turns out, men also are romantic in nature. Both sides like a cosy atmosphere – nice dinner, gentle music, candles… Have a date night every week!

And the beautiful thing about connecting is, the more you give, the more trust and warmth you get, the more the passion deepens. How often do you tell your partner: “I love you!” like you mean it? Look them in the eyes, feel the passion and gratitude that fill your heart, and say it with a smile: “I love you!”, every morning, every night.

Elena Alexandrova-Long
Your Coach to Success

Your Daily Quote - Love and Hope

"Love is, among other things, about hope. Hope is such a fragile entity – so charged with meaning, so delicately balanced on the frontier between great possibility and an even greater sense of loss – that you always fear the moment when you have definitive, concrete proof that things are hopeless."

The Moment

 by  Douglas Kennedy
Always hold on to your hope... 

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Tony Robbins - Four Types of Love

Tony Robbins - there are four types of love.

Starting with baby love, and moving up to the selfless and spiritual level....

Your Daily Quote - Planning

There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.” 
Douglas H. Everett

Monday, 9 February 2015

Your Six Core Needs - Uncertainty and Variety, part 3 of 7

The second core need of the human being, according to Tony Robbins, is uncertainty. Or variety. It is the need to experience things, feelings, sensations that we haven’t encountered before.

While looking for certainty and settling down keeps us safe, the need for variety – the need to explore, is nature’s mechanism to push us towards development. A child will never grow if it only does the activities it has done before. A relationship will not blossom and move onto its ”next stages” if the partners are not ready to experiment and learn more about the other person. Whether it is food preferences, movie “top 10 list”, music, hiking or the way you kiss, testing new experiences broadens you skills, horizons, and even preferences.

There are two rules in that road of exploration: only create “ecological” experiences, and always share them with your partner. And here is what that means:
Ecological and sustainable are the things and activities that are good for you, good for the others, and good for the greater good! That is, they do not hurt, but only bring benefit to you, your partner and the environment. Some examples? Getting your girlfriend a bunch of flowers, or taking her on a hiking trip (as long as it’s good for her shoes). Giving your boyfriend a massage, or taking him bungee-jumping. Cooking a nice meal and serving it at candle-light. Going to a theme party. Or sharing the latest thing you read in a book/article – for example, facts like “doing exercise helps your body produce endorphins, which in turn make you feel happy.” But, hey, always check what your partner might be interested in. You don’t want to stretch them with new experiences or too much knowledge all at once.

And, rule number two – share! You can either share the experience itself – go to the birthday party of one of your partner’s friends you never met, or a concert, or the new swimming pool in the sports centre. Climb the staircase of a tall building, go to the beach, watch a movie, do a pottery course or cook - together!

Or keep stretching yourselves individually – do a course at uni, apply for a new job, learn a language, go on a business trip. And then share your impressions with the experience, tell them how you felt, what you have learnt – about the new skill, the challenges. And grow together!
As a result you will discover that the thrill you bring to each other can be transferable in all areas of life. And by supporting each other, the stretch is much more enjoyable, and the growth – physical, intellectual, emotional, is much more rewarding when shared.

Elena Alexandrova-Long
Your Coach to Success

Your Daily Quote - Control

“To get up each morning with the resolve to be happy... is to set our own conditions to the events of each day. To do this is to condition circumstances instead of being conditioned by them.”

Ralph Waldo Trine

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Tony Robbins - Ready for a Relationship?

Do you hunt for, or do you create and ATTRACT the relationship you want? Elena

Your Daily Quote - Perseverance

I was taught the way of progress is neither swift nor easy.
Marie Curie (1867-1934), French physicist and two-time winner of the Nobel Prize

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Your Six Core Needs - Certainty, part 2 of 7

Every living creature looks first and foremost for certainty, as a way of survival. We need stable conditions in which to recharge, a secure environment that gives us shelter, nurtures us. And then helps us grow.

Intimate relationships reflect that basic need to the full extend. What the woman is looking for, is security. She needs a guy who can protect her. Whether he would fight for her against the sabertooth outside the cave, in ancient times, would bring the meat home (then or in modern times) or would offer her a hand when she needs his help (literally or metaphorically). She wants her man to listen to her and support her. The woman needs her hero to protect her and provide her comfort.

The guy, on the other hand, needs her support. He needs to know and feel that his queen supports his quest, and is loyal to him and his mission. What draws him home after the long hunt – providing for his partner all day, is the certainty that she will keep the cave warm, and will provide the conditions for him to replenish his energy. She is, equally, there for him.

This literal meaning also applies to the level of feelings – we feel secure when we know how our partner feels about us, how they will react, how they will embrace our ideas. It is not about mere predictability. It’s about going back to skills, feelings you know, and you feel comfortable with. To a state in which you can relax, knowing there are no dangers lurking.

It is not a coincidence that we look for a “stable” relationship. Because this is the foundation – if you don’t have a strong, secure base, how can you possibly build up, grow, expand?
It all starts with being able to find comfort and security in the place you go back to, in the place you recharge. Ultimately, in the place you want to call home.

Elena Alexandrova-Long
Your Coach to Success

Your Daily Quote - Friends

I've realised that the kind of people I attract as friends are kind people.
Elena Alexandrova-Long

Friday, 6 February 2015

What Helps the Man be Consistently Attractive to His Lady

What makes men attractive to women on an ongoing basis? One key ingredient: PRESENCE.

And it's something they need to practise, because the ladies have "difused awareness"... And, no, it's not multitasking.

You might be able to relate to that!
Elena Alexandrova-Long

Your Daily Quote - Happiness

Happiness is perfume, you can’t pour it on somebody else without getting a few drops on yourself.
James Van Der Zee

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Relationships - In the Lead-up to Valentine's Day

Relationships - are you looking forward to the Day?

I love Valentine’s Day. Not because of the witty cards, the beautiful, fragrant (if possible), picture-like red roses and specially wrapped chocolate varieties, or exclusive dinners – either at a fancy restaurant, or cooked at home, with love and a nicely laid table. I love and enjoy it because this day serves as the reminder to the modern men, and women, of the thing that is most important in the life of human beings: LOVE. Love and connection.
Don't get me wrong - I do love roses
On this day, or the lead-up to it, couples rekindle their feelings, which have faded in the year past because they took them for granted. Or call it quits, because suddenly one, or both partners, realise this is no longer worth fighting for. Single people, too, do an audit and start questioning how, and why, once again, they have no one to give flowers to, or expect from… Or decide they are better off not celebrating, as they don’t need anyone in order to feel happy, successful, fulfilled.
Or do they?
Love. All areas in our lives evolve around our relationships. Everything we do and achieve is ultimately a reflection of the state of our intimate connection with someone special. A stable relationship filled with love does not tolerate stress – at work or home, anxiety, contradiction, poor health, broken dreams. Instead, it nurtures a positive, creative, fulfilling environment. Have you seen a person in a healthy relationship who is cranky at work? Or a successful person whose love life has fallen apart. If your answer is “yes, think twice? Even if that’s you, what could you be hiding from yourself?
Re-connect ... only if it's worth it
In the couple of weeks leading up to Valentine’s Day, I will be sharing videos and posts on what creates outstanding relationships. And one of the secret group of ingredients are Tony Robbins’ SIX CORE NEEDS.
Because a person is complete when all of these needs are met in their life:
1.       Certainty
2.       Variety and uncertainty
3.       Love and connection
4.       Significance and importance
5.       Growth
6.       Contribution
And who would be better placed to meet these needs, if not your loving partner, or true soulmate…

Elena Alexandrova-Long
Your Coach to Success

Your Daily Quote - Relationships

Stay single until someone actually complements your life in a way that makes it better than to not be single. Otherwise, it’s not worth it.


Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Tony Robbins - Emotional Fitness

How to step up and become emotionally fit, psychologically strong?

Three simple mandatory steps:

1. See it as it is

2. See it better than it is

3. Make it the way you see it

Your Daily Quote - Strong Will/Resolve

"Never give up until you get the skill. Don't miss the chance to grow, and RESOLVE that you will pay the price until you learn, grow, change, become.
Then you'll discover some of life's best treasures, when you pay that price."
- Jim Rohn

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Meditation - Which Type Is Right for You, part 7 of 7

Type 6: Contemplative Inquiry

This most sophisticated form of meditation is also the simplest. Conceptual meditation, or contemplative inquiry, focuses on one specific topic, only. Just one concept on which to meditate. Known as the “intellectual form of meditation”, the contemplation of one idea is an art practiced by scientists and inventors, as well as advanced meditators.

What is typical of this meditation is that the mind gravitates to a single thought that is simple in nature. Even focusing on your breath actually includes many levels and aspects - you may feel the physical experience of breathing, but also appreciate its enlightenment nature. Simplifying the mind is a main, and maybe most difficult goal, and it requires the appropriate amount of time. When you combine this with an open heart, you achieve the ultimate, as Robert Butera puts it: “… the person who has a sophisticated understanding of life on the one hand but who is able to remain simple, humble, and with warmth in their heart is the ultimate human being.”

And here is an example exercise, as a starting point to contemplative inquiry. See how it appeals to you, and if it does resonate, start researching, and practise consistently.

Exercise: Relaxation on Emptiness

Sit a lie in a relaxed position and unplug from technology for 5-10 minutes. Imagine all the thoughts, pressures, stresses, and distractions leaving your mind slowly and gradually. You feel a sense of peace in a state of emptiness. You may imagine an element of emptiness in your mind or a release in your heart. As soon as a thought enters, go back to the physical feeling of relaxation! Feel surrounded by emptiness, enveloped in emptiness, filled with nothingness. Breathe in space, exhale space. Allow thoughts to pass and notice the tranquility that exists between thoughts. Notice everything drifting away into pure being.

Elena Alexandrova
Your Coach to Success
Butera, Robert, “Meditation for Your Life”

Your Daily Quote - Spending Time

“It’s not about time, it’s about choices. How are you spending your choices?”
–Beverly Adamo