Tuesday 17 February 2015

Your six core needs – Growth, part 6 of 7


The fifth core need, or as Tony Robbins calls them, human needs, is growth. Unlike the first four, this is a spiritual need. It expresses your intrinsic aspiration and desire for personal fulfilment.
At every stage of their life, a human being looks at wider horizons. After the basic needs are met – for example, of certainty and comfort for the baby when it’s fed, they baby starts looking for variety by virtue of game and play, and wants to learn new tricks, new skills. The cycle repeats itself with adults, on a larger scale. We constantly seek to expand our skills, experience, our understanding of the world around us. It’s an internal drive that makes us search for greater achievement, to look for our true potential.

Look at the different areas of your life – have you grown in your career? Have you been developing your brain, working on your fitness levels? Have you been sustainably and ecologically expanding your social life, or sustaining a high quality of it? Similarly, we grow in our romantic, intimate relationships. If you stay where you are, without stretching, without attempting to learn and apply new skills, you become stale. Your strong relationship with your partner is determined by your dedication to growing the relationship itself, and growing together.

Growing, developing the relationship is a special mixture of ingredients such as: having fun together, becoming more interested in your partner’s interests and hobbies, and taking on new adventures, together! Most couples get together so that they can grow something new with their joint forces – whether it will be a family, with a baby, a dog, building a new house or a business. Couples transform when they put their joint efforts into producing a new creation. The challenges can often be overwhelming and testing. But when you have the shared mission, your big reason “why” and conquer the world with your persistence and dedication, the award at the finish line is gratifying.
At the same time, each of you grow individually. One of you might start practising meditation, and the other one – develop an interest in knitting, or gardening. What is important, is that you support each other, and complement each other’s interests, focus and capabilities. Because we are all called on this journey, the journey of growth. And your partner is your best supporter and mentor.
So, see your potential and take the call. Because, as Ray Kroc said, you are “either green and growing, or ripe and rotting”.

Elena Alexandrova-Long
Your Coach to Success


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