Saturday, 31 January 2015
Anthony Robbins - Take Action
A great recording of Tony Robbins on the drivers of Taking ACTION.
A real decision is when you CUT OFF any possibilities, except what you are committed to.
Elena Alexandrova
Friday, 30 January 2015
Daily Affirmations: Your Hour-by-Hour Positivity Plan
Some great ideas, even if your wake-up
and “leave work” times are different.
Affirmations: Your Hour-by-Hour Positivity Plan
by: Melissa Carver, Ph.D.
An affirmation is a statement of assurance that helps reprogram
old thought processes to create new patterns. Affirmations are especially
helpful when you have a goal in mind or when if feels like certain things in
your life need work. But that’s not the only time you should pull them out.
even hourly, affirmations stabilize the thoughts of the now, keeping a steady
flow of good intentions—and those intentions are what create outcomes. Hourly
affirmation statements slowly become the quiet thoughts of your mind with
little effort. Below is an hour-by-hour schedule of affirmations that will help
keep you in a positive mindset. If the times don’t match your exact routine,
use these ideas to create your own daily affirmation schedule.
5:30 a.m. – Before Your Feet
Hit the Floor
I am grateful.
I am healthy.
I am confident.
6:30 a.m. – After Your Morning
My mouth is healthy (while brushing).
I am beautiful / handsome. (No more putting yourself down while
looking in the mirror!)
My wardrobe says _________.
7:30 a.m. – On Your Way to Work
I am always safe.
I love my current situation.
You can also pull motivating and powerful words from your music,
if you listen to music on your way to work.
8:30 a.m. – At Work
I am surrounded by supportive peers and managers.
My compensation exceeds my hours.
9:30 a.m. – Reset the Thoughts
in Your Mind
All that I do is success.
My work is complete on or before schedule.
10:30 a.m. – Mid-Morning
Personal Affirmation Break
I am in a loving relationship.
My children are happy and safe.
11:30 a.m. – Pre-Lunch
I will be the leader in the choice of my meal.
My digestive fire is preparing for nutrition.
12:30 p.m. – Step Away From
Your Work for a Relaxing Lunch
I am thankful.
This food is nutritious and healing.
I eat at the perfect pace.
1:30 p.m. – Fight the
Post-Lunch Lull
I am full of life and energy.
I focus my mind on productivity.
2:30 p.m. – Manifest Greatness
I deserve success.
Success comes with intent, not hours.
3:30 p.m. – Connect With Your
True Self as it Can Get Lost on the Job
I am one with higher wisdom and awareness, immediately, now,
All channels of my mind are open to receive from my higher
4:30 p.m. – On Your Way Home
I am always safe.
I leave all work behind for the day.
5:30 p.m. – At Home
I enjoy my family and friends.
My home is peaceful and in order.
My home reflects my energy of love and acceptance.
6:30 p.m. – At the Evening Meal
I am thankful for all plants, animals, and workers who have
participated in my meal.
My body and mind are one with perfect health, now and eternally.
7:30 p.m. – Winding Down
I am one with abundant prosperity and financial supply.
I release all fear and worry.
8:30 p.m. – Evening Shower or
Clean is a high vibration.
My body is balanced, young, and healthy.
I am equal to the power of the entire universe.
9:30 p.m. – Check-In
I am one with the perfect fulfillment of my life.
I stay in the now.
10:30 p.m. – Last Affirmations
of the Day
As my transcendent higher self possesses my body, I accept all
guidance to receive increased abundance.
Happiness is me and I am happiness.
it takes 21 days to create a habit, try these hourly affirmations for three
full weeks. Take notes about your feelings, outcomes, and thoughts as this new
way of thinking becomes part of your daily routine.
You do not need to believe these statements to speak them or
think them. If you don’t yet believe that you are peaceful, that’s OK. “Fake it
‘til you make it.” That is what reprogramming is all about. Affirm it until you
believe it. When you believe it, the world and universe will follow your lead.
Your Daily Quote - Have specific goals
clear goals,
specific goals,
Tony Robbins
Thursday, 29 January 2015
TONY ROBINS - The world will give you what you ask of it
So many lessons within 8 minutes of talk.
How do you create extraordinary psychology, and from that - an extraordinary state?
It's all a result of your standards!
How do you condition your brain - your expectations with finances and success?
"Life will pay whatever you ask of it. Ask intelligently!"
Your Daily Quote - Focus
“That’s been one of my mantras – focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.”
Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs
move mountains,
Steve Jobs
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
Zig Ziglar - Attitude Makes All The Difference
My most favourite speech of Zig Ziglar:
Have you "checked" your attitude lately?
It all starts with loving what you do...
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
Meditation - Choose the Type That Suits You, part 5
Meditation part 5
Prayer and devotion as mode of meditation
Prayer, as a mind quieting activity, is another type of
meditation. Even though prayer is relational, it is more about listening than
talking. The praying person is in a receptive mindset, waiting for the higher
power, nature, deity to resonate. This is very key as you may deepen a feeling
of appreciation of nature. When you say the words of gratitude you want to
express, you can dwell on that thought until you get a response – a feeling
from nature, a shift in consciousness, or a closeness to the divine.
You can also make a prayer of healing and hold the mind on
that for a long period of time. You may ask for help from God, a higher power
or nature, and then wait with appreciative patience. It is important to
understand and heal the psychological dimension before you start the journey
with prayer.
If praying to God or meditating on a statue or landscape
gives you inner peace, keep doing it. The forms of devotion are so many. When
you are able to find a relationship to the divine that is fulfilling, use these
strong beliefs to dedicate all of your energy to a higher power.
Here is one example on how you can expand your devotional practices.
Exercise: Gazing at a
spiritual object
Choose an object for devotion or meditation. Looking
passively at a revered picture or a nature scene are both good for reaching a
peaceful state. You may begin by gazing at a statue or the flame of a candle. Close
your eyes and feel in your heart that your entire being is united with the
object of your meditation. In profound devotion, the subject and object merge into
one. If your mind wanders, you may open your eyes to come back to the
meditation. Then, close your eyes to focus within again.
Elena Alexandrova
Your Coach to Success
Source: Butera, Robert, “Meditation for Life”
Your Daily Quote - Believe in Yourself
It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.
~Attributed to Hanoch McCarty
~Attributed to Hanoch McCarty
Monday, 26 January 2015
Jim Rohn - Use Your Own Mind
Don't be a follower - be a student
Take advice but not orders
Make sure what you do is the product of your own conclusion...
Your Daily Quote - Perseverance
“If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance.”
Samuel Johnson
Sunday, 25 January 2015
Anthony Robbins Motivation - Tony Robbins 5 Steps To Take Control Of You...
The five C's start with your Capture list. Writing down your action items. The question is what to do with this list, and for what purpose you accomplish these tasks.
How will you improve your thinking and planning, to get better results?
Your Daily Quote - Greatness
"As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves."
Mohandas Gandhi
Mohandas Gandhi
Saturday, 24 January 2015
Meditation - Choose the Type That Suits You, Part 4
Meditating using Affirmation and Visualisation
Visualisation depends not only on imagination and the mind’s
eye, but, as all meditation, is linked to the intention for the meditation
practice. It focuses directly on one’s beliefs system to create affirmations for
the visual exercises.
Two of the most fundamental rules about affirmation and visualization
are: the principle of growth and greater good/ benefit for all concerned, and the
principle of non-attachment to the outcome. The conscious mind is aware of only
a fraction of the potential and opportunities available to the unconscious. Focusing
on a virtuous purpose will leave more doors open for your true self.
Affirmations are closely aligned with your values and
beliefs. Once you understand what yours are, you can accept them. Only after
you accept your values and beliefs, you can live up to them and achieve
What is important about formulating your affirmations, is
They are stated in the positive (I am energetic and
motivated, vs I’m not lazy)
They are short and simple (so that you can
remember them)
They are stated in the present tense (My heart
is filled with love)
They are unique to you, so that you can truly
believe and resonate with the state you want to achieve.
Here is an exercise for visualization:
In a comfortable seated position, close your eyes and begin
to visualise how you see yourself. Paint the image, objectively and honestly.
Notice areas that you want to improve in this painting.
Then, see if you can look at the picture and replace those
areas of weakness with an uplifting framework. If, for example, you see a body
that is out of shape, visualise that same body glowing with health and energy,
and making healthy choices. If you see an uncertain person, change the picture and
add a confident posture, and a smiley look.
And finally, always think of the bigger picture, and the deeper
meaning of what you need:
“My spirit’s vitality fills my body.”
“I am a productive person.”
“Only good lies ahead of me.”
“I appreciate my life
as it is.”
Your Coach to Success
Butera, Robert, “Meditation for Life”
Your Daily Quote - Visualisation
In order to stay unattached and secular in your visualisations, use this powerful affirmation by Shakti Gawain:
"This, or something better, now manifests for me in totally satisfying and harmonious ways for the highest good of all concerned."
Elena Alexandrova
"This, or something better, now manifests for me in totally satisfying and harmonious ways for the highest good of all concerned."
Elena Alexandrova
Friday, 23 January 2015
Wayne Dyer and Oprah Winfrey - The Wisdom of the Tao
Wayne Dyer sharing with Oprah one of the most profound pieces of wisdom: when you change the way you look at the world, the world changes.
Einstein once said: "I'm not interested in the details, I want to simply think like god."
Your Daily Quote - Tranquility
Take twenty minutes a day to get solitude. Achieve a state
of tranquility – it’s your birthright.
Elena Alexandrova
Thursday, 22 January 2015
Tony Robbins - Best Piece of Advice He Ever Got
How do you add more value, and give more value to others?
By working on YOURself!
Your Daily Quote - Commitment, Love
Love is an
unconditional commitment to an
imperfect person.
To love somebody isn’t just a strong feeling. It
is a decision, a judgement and a promise.Wednesday, 21 January 2015
Meditation - Choose the Type that Suits You, Part 3
Using Mantra for meditation
Practising mantra is the repetition of a sacred word, or words. Sounds
can actually create thought, and the sound of the mantra produces a vibration
that has its own power. The repetition of a sacred word can not only enrich
your meditation practice, but can be used in everyday situations to create a
desired thought pattern.
A personal affirmation for healing can also be repeated. You repeat the
word or phrase during your meditation, and soon actually start feeling the power
of the word, as it is filling you with energy. A great book on this type of
meditation is The Mantram Handbook,
by Eknath Easwaran.
There are different traditions for choosing a mantra. Many mantras are
derived from the sound “OM”. It comes from years and ages of experiences by
sages. In stages of profound meditation, where the ego dissolves for a short time, the meditator can hear this sound. This is why its repetition can
create connection to the larger universe.
Many mantra meditation practices have special rituals for receiving a
personal mantra and do not recommend choosing your own mantra. Ultimately,
however, mantra meditation works only when you deeply believe in the chosen
I will give you an example of an exercise, derived from yoga.
Focus on the Positive Negative
purpose of this mantra is to transform a weakness into inner strength.
Think of a stressful situation in your life, and enquire within what
causes the stress. For example, you may be annoyed by a colleague. But, when
you chunk up, the true reason behind it might be that you are not happy with
your job, and ultimately feel you have not reached your fullest potential.
Once you identify a deep, profound reason for the stress, the Yoga Sutras recommends focusing on the
corresponding “positive attribute”. In this instance, this could be self-acceptance.
You can then use this positive concept as material not only for your meditation,
but as a healing force for stress you experience in your everyday life.
Love yourself the way you are!
Elena Alexandrova
Your Coach to Success
Source: Butera, Robert, “Meditation for Life”
Your Daily Quote - Advice from a Tree/Spiritual Growth
Advice from a Tree...
Go out on a limb
Be content...
enjoy life,
spiritual growth,
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
Anthony Robbins - New Year True You 2015
How good are you at making and keeping your New Year's resolutions?
Tony Robbins talks on how to stay committed.
Your Daily Quote - Breath and Energy
Breath and energy are intertwined. .. When the breath comes deeply and smoothly, feeling of circulating energy can be felt as the systems of the body work more efficiently.
Robert Butera
Robert Butera
body system,
deep breath,
Monday, 19 January 2015
Meditation - Choose the Type That Suits You - Part 2
Breathing as meditation
The first type of meditation we will touch upon is
breathing. What is fascinating about breath, other than the fact we cannot live
without it for more than 4-5 minutes, is that respiration is the only system in
the body that we control both consciously and unconsciously. This is why it is
considered by some as the link between conscious and unconscious. Just think of
the simplest example: when you are stressed or scared, your breathing becomes
fast and shallow (unconsciously). But then, if you focus on the breathing, you
can consciously slow it down, and feel the stress decreasing.
As natural as it is, breathing for meditation is not always
the first choice of people both new or advanced in meditation.
All examples I will give as practice require you to sit
comfortably, with a straight, erect spine. You do not have to keep your eyes closed, but it helps.
Here is an exercise that can give
you an idea of how comfortable you feel practising that:
Unstructured Awareness
on the Breath
Sit comfortably, let yourself breathe, and observe how your
mind follows and reacts to your breath. Simply witness what occurs in your mind
with a natural breath. Observe your thoughts and observe your feelings:
Does a familiar prayer come to mind;
Do you feel energy moving into and out of the
body, with every breath
Do you visualise light or colours with every
breath you take?
Notice how you feel after two minutes, after ten minutes or
Another breathing exercise I love is the Smile Breath Meditation. You start
sitting straight, and make a huge grin on your face. As you keep breathing
naturally, the smile will fade into a gentle grin, but the cheeks and eyes
remain in a position that radiate positive attitude.
The grin or half smile you reach in this practice can be
established as your normal facial expression. Another benefit this exercise
brings is that you can feel the smiling vitality and energy lightening up your
face, and then flowing into your brain and nervous system. Breathing the “smiling
energy” in allows your muscles, your bones, your every fibre get charged. Allow
the “smiling body scan” to cover your mind and body, and become more open to
receiving positive energy.
Elena Alexandrova
Your Coach to Success
Source: Butera, Robert:"Meditation for Your Life"
Sunday, 18 January 2015
Saturday, 17 January 2015
Meditation - Choose the Type that Suits You
“Saying that you have no
time to meditate, is like saying you have no time to find your car keys, and
walking 100 km.”
The journey of introducing meditation into your life starts
with your reasons why, choosing which meditation type or types suit you best, and
implementing consistent practice which is in harmony with your lifestyle – a lifestyle
that complements the values, the peace and harmony that meditation ideology
Your needs, wants and vision of the world are very
individual, and so will be your meditation practice and lifestyle. There is no
one right, perfect method – if there was, most meditators would have discovered
it by now. This is why you want to choose the style of meditation that you feel
most comfortable with, one that offers maximum focus to your mind.
There are many types of meditation, but the main ones can be
summarised into the following six:
Prayer, devotion
Contemplative enquiry.
Over the next few posts I will briefly
describe every one of them.
Elena Alexandrova
Elena Alexandrova
Your Coach to Success
Your Daily Quote - Successful Spirit
“Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground. Let their spirit ignite a fire within you to leave this world better than when you found it...”
― Wilfred Peterson
― Wilfred Peterson
Friday, 16 January 2015
Tony Robbins: Energy - Health - Success
Tony Robbins on choosing to be healthy, to have energy.
How to make it sustainable? Build a base and celebrate every milestone.
How the rich get richer, the happy get happier, and the healthy get healthier?
Find out in this video...
Your Daily Quote - Goals
We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we've established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile.
Earl Nightingale
Thursday, 15 January 2015
by Trevor Long
How will you know when you've achieved your goal?
Financial Goals - This is one of the easiest to track, an amount of money in an account, a certain income, a certain passive income, gross income, net worth, number or value of shares or properties, etc.
Health Goals - Weight, dress size, body fat, heart rate, distance walked, ran, cycled or swam, number of reps, weight lifted, food and alcohol intake, medicines reduced or eliminated, etc.
Relationship Goals - This one is a little more tricky. Once you define your ideal partner, their attributes, characteristics, values, then you can say whether this one is on target or not. If its family and friends, then how will you related to them, how often, etc.
Lifestyle Goals - This is things like houses, cars, holidays, hobbies. Are you living in your ideal house, driving your dream car, taking as many holidays, pursuing your hobbies as often as you like, etc.
Define a way to measure if you are on course to achieve your goal.
Determine your signposts to success on the way, smaller goals or steps.
What will you see, hear, feel, smell and taste, when you have reached each of your intermediate goals and targets?
Celebrate when you do! How are you going to celebrate?
Phew! We are now half way through the 10 step process. More involved in goal setting than you thought?
How long to do you spend planning a 2 week holiday?
How long do you think the pilot and airline have spent planning for your international flight, or do you reckon they just 'wing it'? (Pun intended!) By the way, did you know a plane is off course 99% of the time? The autopilot makes continuous measurements and adjustments to the course to get the plane to its destination.
How long does the architect spend planning a multi-story building?
If you are hoping its a considerable amount of time, then you'd be correct.
This is your life we are talking about here, spend a bit of time sorting out a direction to head in, a plan to get there, reasons why you are going, and a way of knowing you are on track.
10 steps,
Trevor Long
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