Saturday 24 January 2015

Meditation - Choose the Type That Suits You, Part 4

Meditating using Affirmation and Visualisation
Visualisation depends not only on imagination and the mind’s eye, but, as all meditation, is linked to the intention for the meditation practice. It focuses directly on one’s beliefs system to create affirmations for the visual exercises.
Two of the most fundamental rules about affirmation and visualization are: the principle of growth and greater good/ benefit for all concerned, and the principle of non-attachment to the outcome. The conscious mind is aware of only a fraction of the potential and opportunities available to the unconscious. Focusing on a virtuous purpose will leave more doors open for your true self.
Affirmations are closely aligned with your values and beliefs. Once you understand what yours are, you can accept them. Only after you accept your values and beliefs, you can live up to them and achieve self-realisation.
What is important about formulating your affirmations, is that:
1.       They are stated in the positive (I am energetic and motivated, vs I’m not lazy)
2.       They are short and simple (so that you can remember them)
3.       They are stated in the present tense (My heart is filled with love)
4.       They are unique to you, so that you can truly believe and resonate with the state you want to achieve.

Here is an exercise for visualization:
In a comfortable seated position, close your eyes and begin to visualise how you see yourself. Paint the image, objectively and honestly. Notice areas that you want to improve in this painting.
Then, see if you can look at the picture and replace those areas of weakness with an uplifting framework. If, for example, you see a body that is out of shape, visualise that same body glowing with health and energy, and making healthy choices. If you see an uncertain person, change the picture and add a confident posture, and a smiley look.

And finally, always think of the bigger picture, and the deeper meaning of what you need:
“My spirit’s vitality fills my body.”
“I am a productive person.”
“Only good lies ahead of me.”
 “I appreciate my life as it is.”

Elena Alexandrova
Your Coach to Success

Source: Butera, Robert, “Meditation for Life”

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