Saturday 17 January 2015

Meditation - Choose the Type that Suits You

“Saying that you have no time to meditate, is like saying you have no time to find your car keys, and walking 100 km.”

The journey of introducing meditation into your life starts with your reasons why, choosing which meditation type or types suit you best, and implementing consistent practice which is in harmony with your lifestyle – a lifestyle that complements the values, the peace and harmony that meditation ideology promotes.

Your needs, wants and vision of the world are very individual, and so will be your meditation practice and lifestyle. There is no one right, perfect method – if there was, most meditators would have discovered it by now. This is why you want to choose the style of meditation that you feel most comfortable with, one that offers maximum focus to your mind.
There are many types of meditation, but the main ones can be summarised into the following six:
1.       Breath
2.       Mantra
3.       Visualisation
4.       Mindfulness
5.       Prayer, devotion
6.       Contemplative enquiry.

Over the next few posts I will briefly describe every one of them.

Elena Alexandrova
Your Coach to Success

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