Friday 2 January 2015

Procrastination - What is it?

by Trevor Long


We all do it, well at least 95% of us on a regular basis. I even procrastinated about doing this post. There were some very important weeds that needed weeding! My worst case in recent times was one day when I was set to finish and submit a final paper. Whilst having my morning shower and getting ready for the productive day ahead, I decided that I just had to steam clean the shower! I knew I had a steam cleaner somewhere in the garage, bought in a moment of considered consumerism from an infomercial many years before. You can guess what happened. I got a very clean shower, and wasted at least half the day on a non urgent, non important task.

Procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something, often indefinitely. 

It takes many forms, ignoring tasks, hoping they will go away, doing something else not important, telling yourself poor performance is ok, believing that minor repeated delays will not hurt you, becoming paralysed by having too many choices, etc. etc.

It can rob you of your future dreams. 

If you’re completely happy with your life, congratulations. Keep doing what you’re doing. If, however, you look back on your hopes and dreams of 5 years ago and find that you haven’t achieved them, perhaps it’s time to try something different.
We know that the shortest distance between where you are now and your goals is a straight line. e.g. getting fit and healthy does not include detours to McDonalds and the pub. So why don't we just focus on what we should be doing?

 So, the best way to tackle procrastination, is by taking action.
And the best time to take action is NOW.


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