Friday 10 July 2015

Mind Power – How To Break Free Of Limiting Beliefs, part 2 of 4

Trainers Box

Beliefs Form The Blueprint Of Your Life
Remember the first Matrix movie? There were parallels in it between the mind and a very complex computer with countless virtual reality programs. There was a scene where Neo, the main character, was on a skyscraper rooftop in a virtual reality training program with Morpheus, his teacher. In the program, the goal was to leap from one skyscraper to another.

When Neo hesitated, doubting whether or not he was that powerful, Morpheus said, “Don’t think you are, know you are. Release doubt, fear, and disbelief.” Then Morpheus leaped across to the next building. When Neo tried to follow the first time, he plummeted down to the ground. He wanted to believe he could do it, but it was too big a leap for his mind to make all at once.

“Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right.” - Henry Ford

This was a great illustration of mind power. I believe this is how “miracles” happen. The power of intention and belief can transcend any limit. If you were to focus on something with laser-sharp focus, not letting in any thoughts or doubts about something you’d like to create or experience, you would manifest it very quickly. Since most of us humanoids don’t always have that kind of laser-sharp focus, we need to learn to do it incrementally.

We all have examples in our lives where it’s been obvious that we’ve used mind power to create our experience. One that comes quickly to mind for me is: We have a dance group called “Dance Home” in the community where I live. Sometimes when I go, I feel vibrant, beautiful, and alive, and therefore, I am all of those things and have experiences there that reflect that.

Then there are other times I go to the same place when I’m having a low self esteem day. On those occasions I don’t like the music or the DJ, my favorite dance partners aren’t there, I feel unattractive… and guess what? All of those things are true for me at that time. The only difference between the two scenarios is what I believed about myself before I ever left home. In other words, I created what happened by the direction I chose to focus my mind power.

For me, working with (and not against) mind power is an ongoing discipline. I’m discovering that it vastly improves the quality of my life to practice being consciously connected to Source Energy by being aware of my feelings and the thoughts that create them. I'm committed to using the power of positive thinking, and training my focus to stay on thoughts that bring positive emotions.

Full article:

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