Sunday 3 May 2015

7 Ways to Overcome Self-Doubt

By Heidi Alexandra Pollard 

Have you ever struggled with itty, bitty, niggly self-doubt? It can be exhausting can't it, however it needn’t stop you - it just means that you're human! 
Here are 7 Ways to Overcome Self-Doubt when you find yourself coming across that niggly stuff:

1. Let go of the need to know HOW you will achieve your vision. You likely do not know how you will create your dream, your business or your next promotion, especially not in the beginning. That is the way it is supposed to be! We often end up doubting ourselves when can’t see HOW we can create what we want. Or, sometimes we think of one way that to create it and think that we aren't capable of doing it. Let go of this kind of thinking and trust that if you have a vision that excites you, you have within you what it takes to create it. Instead of focusing on the HOW focus on the WHO, ie: get a clear mental picture and a sense of WHO you need to be to achieve the goal you desire.
2. Start with WHY you want to achieve the goal, what the benefits of it are and how it relates to your values and bigger picture. Remind yourself of how important your dream is to you.Let yourself get excited, these positive emotions will energize your vision and allow it come to you faster. If you want to get really clear on the power of getting clarity about your why watch this popular Ted Talk featuring Simon Sinek. This reminder of why your vision is important to you can help you set that doubt aside. Let go of needing to know the HOW before you step forward and simply trust that you will be given what you need to make it a reality, when you need it.(if you want more help with creating this way of thinking I recommend you read Bob Proctor’s book You Were Born Rich).

3. Make a Decision and a Commitment. Once you define your dream or goal, decide that you want to live this way. This may seem basic but many people never decide and commit fully to their dream. They simply keep “thinking” about it and then when the first obstacle appears and they give up. Make a commitment to yourself. Right now is not the time to worry about how to make it happen, or how you are going to move through your challenges. Instead, plant the seed of your dream inside of you and you commit to loving this seed until the day you can harvest the fruits of your efforts. Honor your commitment to self for no other reason than because you want it. There are no should’s, have to’s, or weak choices.
4. Be a witness to the voice of self-doubt. As you notice the voice of doubt coming up, watch the thoughts that come up like an observer rather than participating in them. Recognize that it is the voice of the part of you that wants to keep you the same and to keep you in familiar territory. Release the need to fight it, simply allow the doubt to be expressed and move on. Recognise that you are not your fear. Fear is not all of who you are, rather it is an emotion that you are experiencing. The key is to recognize your fear just notice it and then keep breathing. Breathing keeps energy moving and prevents you from being consumed in fear’s heavy embrace. From a language perspective instead of saying “I am fearful,” learn instead to say, “There is a part of me that is fearful and doesn’t want to move forward, and there is also a part of me that desires to continue moving forward.”
5. Ink it, don’t just think it. In your mind, they tend to endlessly repeat themselves and keep you stuck. Get out a piece of paper and write out all of the doubts and fears that come to mind. On a clean sheet of paper write down positive statements around why you CAN create your vision. Maybe you are downplaying your strengths and abilities, list these on this paper as well. When you are done, read over the doubts one last time, then tear the paper into tiny pieces and throw it away. Read over your positive statements and let the positive emotions and a feeling of confidence take over. Keep these positive statements and read them every day to remind yourself that "I am good enough!"
6. Build Your Confidence Muscle. Although achieving your dream will bring up stress, fear, doubt, this experience is precisely what is necessary for a confidence breakthrough to occur. Sure, it's easy to make self-supporting choices in good times, the challenge is to do it when times are tough. I often say you have to have a breakdown before you can have a breakthrough. You can’t dance around it, wish it away, or analyze how to avoid the experience. Making self-empowering decisions under stress is what leads you authentic personal growth and solidifies inner change. 
7. Decide You Don’t Have To Do Anything. Here is an experiment. For the next 24 hours, eliminate the words “I have to” from your vocabulary and substitute the words “I choose to.” Instead of saying, “I have to move forward on my goal” say, “I choose to take this specific action step today.” Or, you could just as effectively say, “I choose not to take any action today.” In a similar vein instead of writing out your "to-do List" write a "Choice List" of all the things you choose to do today. Any of these choices says to your unconscious mind that you set the priorities. You are responsible. Take back control and feel how empowering this simple change of words can be.
Self-doubt is likely something that you will face on the path to creating your business or building your career, but that is no reason to stop moving forward. Take a few minutes to readjust your focus using the tips above and you will be feeling better and more confident, ready to move forward again!

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