Monday, 30 March 2015



 posted by Team Tony
Did you know that 96% of all companies fail over a ten-year period? And that 40-50% of all first marriages in the United States end in divorce? Why? The reason is the same for both –– they stop marketing and innovating.
Consider this. In business, companies use marketing in order to get potential clients to want to do business with them. Likewise, they use innovation to find a way to meet the needs of the customer better than anyone else. In relationships, it's the same.
You must continuously market and innovate with your partner.
You marketed yourself in the beginning of the relationship, putting your best face forward in order to capture the attention of the potential 'customer.' You also innovated by spending time thinking about what that person would like and how to make them happier than they've ever been.
If you want your relationship to be extraordinary then your job is to unleash every resource you have to light this human being up and make them your raving fan. Get addicted to lighting them up. Get addicted to giving them pleasure!
Think about what you did in the beginning of your relationship in order to meet the needs of your lover and get them to want to be with you. Are you still doing those things?
If you do what you did in the beginning of the relationship there won't be an end.
Extraordinary, loving, intimate relationships don't die for lack of love; they die from lack of intimacy. If you continue to market yourself and to innovate to meet your partner's needs, you'll avoid losing that precious connection that you fought so hard to obtain.

Your Daily Quote - Responsibility

The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely the one who dropped it.
Lou Holtz, multiple NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) coach of the year

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Jim Rohn - How to have Your Best Year Ever 2 of 3

What have you done to bring you closer to your goals, and to become rich, powerful, sophisticated, healthy and influential?

Your Daily Quote - Aim Higher

“Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Do not bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.”
William Faulkner, Nobel Prize winner for literature

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Achieving Goals - Visualisation

Success at attaining any goal can be measured by how effectively you are able to move an idea from your conscious (imagination) to your subconscious (belief/action). That is why visualization is so important. When you visualize something in your conscious mind, your subconscious doesn’t know that it is only in your imagination. It watches the movie taking place in your thoughts and accepts that they are actually happening in that moment.
The subconscious mind is a captive audience for the movies we play in our head.
A good story evokes powerful mental images. Combining a good story with powerful mental images and a strong emotional response is the essence of visualization. It has the power to reshape our perception of reality, and once that happens, reality conforms to that new perception.
Once you practice visualization in your life, you will see its power firsthand:
Write down your goals. Visualization starts with an idea and a crystal clear picture of what you want. Be specific.

Create a vision board. At its core, a vision board is a set of visual images that represent the story you are telling yourself about who are and what your life is like. It’s a way of getting clear on the life you want to create for yourself. To help you create a vision board, see my book, The Complete Vision Board Kit. It comes with a DVD, sample vision board and tools to help you create your vision board.
Act as if. State your goals in the present tense like you have already achieved them. One of the most important elements of creation is the ability to see yourself already in possession of the materialistic or physical state you are creating, prior to actual evidence of such.
Take action. Don’t just visualize. For a plant to grow, it’s not enough to simply plant it and wait. You have your work to do too.

Practice repetition. Look at the images on your vision board every day. Repetitiveness of vision combined with your associated emotions will develop your power to visualize and achieve your goals.
- See more at:

Your Daily Quote - Productivity

“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.” 
Stephen King

“Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it.” 
Theodore Roosevelt

Friday, 27 March 2015

Jim Rohn - become more valuable

How do you get better paid?

By becoming more valuable.

Your Daily Quote - Excuses

Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses.
George Washington Carver (chemist - discovered 325 uses for peanuts)

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Modelling Genius

Modelling Genius – an NLP technique
The technique we are suggesting on this page is the same whether you have insight and confidence or whether you don’t.  
As always, we suggest you read through the instructions completely before starting the exercise.
If you find meditation music aids your concentration, play some softly in the background.  
Now, put yourself into a frame of mind where you can relax and go inside yourself – into your own particular zone, so to speak.
Go to wherever you go to think, study or meditate, or any other place which you feel is good for your peace of mind.  Sit comfortably and preferably with your feet on the floor.  
Now find a spot on the facing wall that you can concentrate your attention upon.
Modelling Genius with peripheral vision
As you concentrate upon that spot, and without moving your eyes or your head, become aware of the edges of your vision.  
This is what we refer to as your peripheral vision.  Become aware of how high and low you can detect images and movement.
At the same time as you do that also become aware of how wide you can detect image and movement even though you are still focusing on the spot on the wall opposite.  
Continue doing this and see how much wider you can open your vision upwards, downwards and sideways.
Now, as your awareness of everything around you is growing – and still concentrating on the spot -  become aware of what is happeningbehind you and stretch your peripheral vision to its furthest limits.
If you are finding it difficult to see the back of your head, imagine a ball at the back top edge of your head and stretch your peripheral vision until you can visualise it there.
Modelling Genius using an altered state
Now become aware of the way you feel in this state.  People will vary but you may feel an intense state of concentration or detachment and your general awareness may grow.  
However it feels to you, it is an altered state which should aid your concentration and understanding.
This is also a very good state in which to acquire knowledge and understanding, so if you are studying for an examination, for example, try putting yourself into this state each time you have a study session, and put yourself back into the state at the time of the examination.  Your recall and results should improve.
For these purposes, however, think now about what you want to achieve.  
Look deeply inside yourself and see where you have the qualities that you believe you require in order to get where you want, and if you can’t recognise some or all of them consider other people, living or dead, who have obtained or achieved precisely what you wish for yourself.
Make a note of the qualities or skills that you think you desire and, in this state, envisage those people who have been successful in the field you are thinking about and make a note of them also. 
Modelling Genius by research
You may at this stage need to do a little research to identify individuals on which to model yourself.  
If it is a particular sporting achievement that you wish to emulate or successful business person, that is fairly straightforward. 
Research them in libraries, or on the net, read biographies, look for interviews with them on Youtube or other  suitable media, but above allfind out everything you can about how they achieved their success.
It will not always come from their own mouths because successful people do not always know precisely how they have achieved what they did, so you may also need to rely upon your own observations and those of other commentators.  Saturate yourself with as much information about them as is possible.
It may be that you will need to look at more than one model of genius to fulfil the particular criteria you are seeking.  The same applies no matter how many you study. 

Modelling Genius with an interview
If you can get an interview with one or more of them, so much the better.  You may be saying to yourself right now, “But that’s impossible”.  My response is, you don’t know until you ask.  
There are many superstars and successful people out there who are happy to share their knowledge with those who wish to emulate them. 

Think of it this way:  if your request is refused or ignored, you are in no different a position than you are now.  But if they say yes, where might that lead? 
There is certainly nothing to lose.  Remember the old cliché,Nothing ventured, nothing gained, and act upon it.
Modelling past genius
When you are considering who to model, remember those great people who are no longer with us.  
On this site you will find a number of mock interviews with those we consider to be Real Men of Genius and Real Women of Genius. 
They are designed to whet your appetite and to give you a flavour of the talents and characteristics which they displayed during their lifetimes – and that we all have within us – as well as some of their principal achievements.
Read them and see where they lead you.  Some will match your own ambitions more than others.  
Where you find one or more of them particularly inspire you, research them in greater depth.  
Find out more.  Model yourself on them, discover your own genius, and maybe you too will, one day, inspire others by the way you live your life.
Modelling Genius and returning to the altered state
Finally, when you have accumulated all the information you feel you need on which to model the qualities or abilities you desire, recreate the state you started with at the beginning of all this by looking at the spot on the wall and following that exercise.
When you have achieved that altered state, review all the information you have and compare it with what you were looking for in the first place and think creatively how to use that information.  Be prepared to surprise yourself!
Here are some giants of the past to start you off:

Real Men of Genius Articles:
·         Abraham Lincoln
·         Albert Einstein
·         Antoni Gaudi
·         Carl Jung
·         Charles Darwin
·         Charles Dickens
·         Christopher Wren
·         Confucius
·         George Washington
·         Hannibal
·         Horatio Nelson
·         Isaac Newton
·         Julius Caesar
·         Lawrence of Arabia
·         Leonardo da Vinci
·         Michelangelo
·         Mohatma Gandhi
·         Napoleon Bonaparte
·         Nicolas Copernicus
·         Oscar Wilde
·         Rembrandt
·         Robert Burns
·         R L Stevenson
·         Socrates
·         Walt Disney
·         William Shakespeare
·         Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Real Women of Genius Articles:
·         Eleanor Roosevelt
·         Florence Nightingale
·         Margaret Thatcher
·         Marie Curie
·         Mother Teresa
·         Queen Elizabeth I

Your Daily Quote - Get What You Want

You can have everything in life if you help enough people get what they want.
Zig Ziglar

Wednesday, 25 March 2015


The formula for success. How many components does it have?

Your Daily Quote - Vision

If you have a dream, a vision for your life - work hard on it. If you don't have one, work harder.
Elena Alexandrova-Long

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Reframing, or Using Positive Language - Part 2 of 2

As discussed in part 1, the Reticular Activating System (RAS) of your brain acts as a filter, as a gate-keeper to your subconscious mind. It allows “in” not any random bits of information, but only the ones that the mind is interested, and more importantly – the ones that your subconscious mind recognises.
Here is a classic example. You are at a party, with lots of noise, music, and people talking around you. In that sea of unintelligible sounds, someone mentions your name. You become alert, as your RAS filtered through something familiar. Similarly, in the sea of information, your subconscious mind processes and assimilates only information that it can relate to, that is familiar.
Hence, my question to you is: what kind of information would YOU like to let into your mind, and let your subconscious to process as reality?
This is exactly how the power of manifesting works, the Law of attraction. What your RAS works with, is sounds, words and images. What you focus on and what is familiar, is what you will get.
So what would you prefer to be familiar to your mind: words like “bad”, or “fantastic”? DO you see how the two answers from part 1: “Not too bad”, or “I’m fantastic!”, are so drastically different? In the first instance, you feed your RAS with the familiarity of the word, and state, of “bad”, and this is what the subconscious mind works with. For the rest of the day. For the rest of your… reality.
Watch yourself for a day or two. Notice what noises you wake up to, watch the words you use, and the thoughts you go to bed with. Is there something that can be reframed in a more positive way?
Be positive, so that you attract positive things
Here is the formula to a more productive day, to a healthier state, and opening multiple opportunities in front of you:
1.    Start the day with your affirmations:
“I am a great person.”
“I look fantastic.”
And reframe into the positive where necessary: don’t tell yourself: “I’m not a failure.”, but instead say “I’m a successful young person getting closer to my dream.”

2.    Watch and reframe the language you use relating to how you feel, and what you will achieve:
Not too bad àGood, great, fantastic!
I feel terribleà I don’t feel my best.
This plan will fail à This plan might not work (all that well).
You can reframe in the positive virtually anything!

3.    Finish the day with gratitude, or acknowledging the good things that happened to you. The more grateful you are, the more the universe will give you.

Because, as Napoleon Hill said, you can achieve any realistic goal if you keep thinking of that goal, and stop thinking any negative thoughts about it.

Your Coach to Success

Your Daily Quote - Dreamers

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.
Harriet Tubman

Monday, 23 March 2015

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Reframing, or Using Positive Language - Part 1 of 2

by Elena Alexandrova-Long

What is your top, or regular, answer when people say: ”Hi, how are you?”
Are you in the: ”I’m good!” group, or the “Not too bad!” group? Or, alternatively, in the “I’m great, I’m fantastic!" group? Some might say that these answers are pretty much the same. But your unconscious/subconsious mind would disagree.
Why is that? Because of what happens in the transfer between conscious and subconscious mind, and how the latter processes information. There is a part in the brain, the so called Reticular Activating System (or RAS) which is responsible for the sleep/wake transitions of your mind. It acts like a filter between your conscious and subconscious mind, bringing to your attention only information that is relevant to you, to your needs, and what is familiar to you.
What is more RAS, as an automatic mechanism takes instructions from your conscious mind and passes them on to your subconscious.  If someone asks you: “What ice-cream do you prefer – vanilla or chocolate?”, your RAS immediately brings up the images of two beautiful ice-cream cones (or similar), and only then your conscious mind produces the answer.

This step of processing of information occurs because RAS is also the tool we use for visualising. If I say: “Think of a purple camel”, your mind will obediently bring up the image of a purple camel. If you say: “Mmm, I would love a blueberry muffin”, guess what – RAS will produce for you the most appetising muffin, and will even add the smell of freshly melting blueberries, butter and caramelised sugar.

Interestingly enough, when you tell yourself: “I shouldn’t eat a blueberry muffins!”, all your RAS can offer you as images is beautiful muffins! Subsequently, all you can think about is…what you are supposed not to be thinking about. The reason for this contradiction is that the subconscious mind does not recognise negation – any words like: not, don’t, never. That’s why, if we use Oprah Winfrey’s example, if you say to yourself: “I don’t want to be fat!”, all you RAS imagines and sends as messages to your unconscious mind is: fat…

So, what thoughts do you choose to feed to your subconscious mind?

RAS is very powerful with telling the subconscious mind what is reality. This is why, in PART 2, I will give you some ideas on how you can use these powers to your benefit.

Your Coach to Success

Hafiz - And for No Reason

And For No Reason

For no reason
I start skipping like a child.

For no reason
I turn into a leaf
That is carried so high
I kiss the Sun's mouth
And dissolve.

For no reason
A thousand birds
Choose my head for a conference table,
Start passing their
Cups of wine
And their wild songbooks all around.

For every reason in existence
I begin to eternally,
To eternally laugh and love!

When I turn into a leaf
And start dancing,
I run to kiss our beautiful Friend
And I dissolve in the Truth
That I Am.

Happy World Poetry Day!

Image credit: 
"Divan hafiz". Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons -

Your Daily Quote - Leader

Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. 
—Jack Welch

Saturday, 21 March 2015


Dr John Demartini discusses the seven areas that people and nations need to fulfill in order to succeed and avoid being over-powered by others.

There are seven areas of life that we are here to fulfill:
•    Our spiritual mission;
•    Our mental genius/creativity;
•    Our vocational success, achievement, service;
•    Our financial freedom/independence;
•    Our family love and intimacy and continuance of procreation;
•    Our social influence and leadership; and
•    Our physical health, stamina, strength and well-being.

Any of these seven areas that we as individuals don’t empower will become overpowered by others. So any area of life that we don’t empower, somebody else will overpower. We are not victims of their over-empowerment, we are simply not empowered and it is their over-powerment that in turn initiates and catalyzes our drive for inner-empowerment.

I have yet to meet anyone who did not want to expand their powers in each of these areas. No one gets up and honestly says that they want to shrink in power.

As Nietzsche proclaimed, we all have the will to power. Just as we as individuals have these yearnings for these powers, so do collective societies and nations. But now their descriptions also have to expand. Our individual spiritual mission now becomes the dominant, spiritual/religious ideologies of a nation. Our mental genius becomes our educational system. Our goals for achievement and success become our GDP, our corporate entrepreneurial and national business development. Our economics become the wealth of our nation, income per capita, again the stability of our national economics and the assets. Our family stability is our marriage and divorce ratios and our fertility / mortality rates. Our social influence is our influence on other nations around the world and our leaderships and our physical health and wellbeing becomes our healthcare systems, policing systems and military strength. 

Now if a nation does not empower any of theseseven areas, that area can be overcome and overpowered by other nations or groups. This applies to nations just as it applies to individuals. The will to power and empowerment, although assumed to be about race, creed, colour, age or sex isn’t in fact limited by these factors. There is always somebody from each race, creed, colour, age or sex that empowers their lives and is not overpowered. 

It’s all about empowering. 
Empower your life
The first step in empowering each of these areas is education. Success leaves clues and those individuals as well as those nations that have risen in power need to follow these clues. Awakening to and owning these traits and, developing and furthering these traits, and awakening these traits in each of the seven areas of life can both empower individuals and nations. 

If we blame outer circumstances for why we are not empowered, we will hinder our empowerment, but if we start acting and doing the things that are proven to empower, we rise in power. Instead of having individuals or nations sitting in the shadows of other individuals or other nations, it’s wise for individuals and nations to recognise that nothing is missing in them,particularly in their areas of competitive advantage and that they are just not acknowledging, awakening or honouring the powers they have. Once they awaken these powers and recognise them, through awareness and education, each competitive advantage that each individual or nation has, can shine.

If we as individuals and nations concentrate on what we do have, and recognise our power and use it wisely, we will not become overpowered. 

Empowerment is not provided from the outside; empowerment comes from within. The moment the individual or nation realises that nothing is missing inside them and they value themselves, so does the world. Empowerment is not what corrupts, it’s the fear of being overpowered that corrupts. 

The anticipation of loss of power corrupts, not the gain of power.
