Monday 2 March 2015

Seven Ways to Inspire Love in Your Life - part 4 of 4

7. Help Others

In The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, the Law of Giving and Receiving teaches us that our body, mind, and the universe are in constant, dynamic exchange, simultaneously giving and receiving in every moment. At the deepest level, giving and receiving are the same thing – different expressions of the same flow of energy in the universe. As Deepak Chopra writes, “The more you give, the more you will receive, because you will keep the abundance of the universe circulating in your life. In fact, anything that is of value in life only multiplies when it is given. So if you want joy, give joy to others. If love is what you seek, offer love.”
Helping others and applying the Law of Giving and Receiving is an uplifting, joyful experience. There are countless ways to be a friend, and make a difference. As Deepak suggests, you can give a small gift to everyone you encounter, whether a smile, a heartfelt compliment, a flower, or a silent blessing. When you do something to make someone happy, you immediately feel more happiness yourself.

Take action

Today set your intention to give generously and receive with gratitude. Do something that encourages someone else to smile and have a brighter day. The happiness of life is made up of little things - a smile, a helping hand, a caring heart, a word of praise, a moment of shared laughter. Take time to care and truly listen with your heart. Last month while I was in line at the Starbucks drive-through, the person in the car in front of me paid for my order, which absolutely made my day. It also inspired me to pay for the person behind me. I thought about that good deed from a stranger for weeks. I shared the story with others, and that simple gesture made other people smile and contemplate what they could do to bring joy to someone else. Giving doesn’t have to be difficult or cost any money. Try this simple tip: when you notice something positive about other people, tell them! Notice their reaction to your compliment. When they feel happy, that will in turn make you happy. This is a great habit to develop. The opportunities to give are infinite, and your touch, your thoughtfulness, and your love really can work wonders in the lives of others.

Opening to love is an unfolding journey. At times we will feel completely present to the love that is our own nature. We will feel embraced by loving kindness and have the sense that everything is right in the universe. At other times love can feel a million miles away as we experience feelings of loneliness, fear, or separation. In these difficult moments, be gentle with yourself and be skeptical if your inner dialogue is telling you that you are unlovable and undeserving of love and happiness. Forgive yourself for any mistakes you make and know that you are always infinitely loved and infinitely lovable.
Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Love can heal. Love can create abundance. Love is the path to living an inspired life. Love shows up in what we do for others.  Love forgives faults and imperfections. Love says “You can do it. Let me tell you how amazing you are.” Love allows for differences of opinions. Love sees what’s great and recognizes what we have in common. Love listens. Love inspires. Love is who we really are.
Choose love!

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