Monday 10 August 2015


by Logan Marshall

Are You Interested Or Committed?

Too many people stroll passively through life, intrigued by a whole slew of possibilities to do what they love, but not committed to making any of them a reality.
What’s the difference between interest and commitment?
·          Interest reads a blog post; commitment applies that post day after day.
·         Interest works an hour a day on your business; commitment works whenever time permits.
·         Interest procrastinates; commitment focuses on what’s important.
·         Interest makes excuses; commitment constantly acquires new skills and solutions.
If you’re struggling with this issue, ask yourself the same questions I asked myself:
Why are you holding back? What is stopping you from living the life you’ve imagined for yourself?
If you want it bad enough, if you’re committed, you’ll find a way to make it happen.
If the thought of slaving away in a cubicle for the rest of your life is a powerful enough motivator for you to work your ass of in order to escape it, I invite you to join me… and go for it.

You Know Enough

The biggest complaint I hear is this: “I would take action and get started, but I just don’t know enough yet. I’m just not ready yet.”
To this I have two responses:
1.      There is always more to learn. The amount of information on the internet is equivalent to a stack of books stretching from Earth to Pluto 10 times! If you keep waiting until you finish that book, podcast or video course, if you keep waiting until you are ready, you will never be ready.
2.     You learn far more from experience than consumption. I learned more during my first product launch (1 week) than I did during the prior 6 months of ravenous information consumption. Concepts are introduced via information; skills are honed through action.
Now, I’m not saying you should blindly act for the sake of action, not at all. In fact, if you want to be successful, learning MUST be a continual process. After all, it’s hard to create value if you don’t know what you’re talking about.
The key is to distinguish between the kind of compulsive, ineffective learning that so many new marketers struggle with and learning for the sole purpose of taking action.
So don’t wait to get started. Start now and correct your course as you go along.

You know enough.
Full article:

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