Saturday 29 November 2014

What You Think You Become

Let us remember the quote from Earl Nightingale, "We become what we THINK about most of the time." This may seem outright ridiculous when we are hearing this for the first time; but the impact we have on the physical world with just our minds is very real.
This fact has been proved scientifically. Just look at the many eye-opening studies done in the 1980s by Dr. Masaru Emoto. These experiments actually demonstrate human beings shifting physical structures with their minds! These were not super humans, nor angels, nor magic tricks. These experiments were performed by regular, average people, and the results were incredible. Dr. Emoto scientifically proved that we all have physical powers beyond anything we've ever known. By the way, this power is NOT anything mystical or supernatural. This is the way we were created in the womb. We are all created to have the same potential and power as the richest (or poorest) person in the world. No one is better than anyone else, we were all created the same.
How can we practice this power for ourselves? There are a couple ways, however, do not expect to begin shifting your physical reality after one sitting. In our microwave, fast food, popcorn society, we lose sight of the importance of patience, practice, and relaxation. Enjoy your life. Understand that the first step to realizing our destiny in our own lives is acknowledging that we create our destiny. If you can wrap your mind around that, you have already placed yourself in the top 10% of the population. Many of our loved ones will never learn (or believe) this concept in their entire lifetime.
One of the best practices you can incorporate in your daily activities is a short 15-minute meditation. Do this everyday. Set a timer on your phone, and right before you go to bed, or just as you awake, or even during your lunch break, sit down in the quietest place you can find for just 15 minutes. What should you do during this 15 minutes? Close your eyes, and just breathe. Breathe ALL the way in, FILL your lungs with the oxygen your body has been craving. Breathe as though each air molecule is packed with ageless knowledge and healing vibrations. Then, breathe ALL the way out. Expel the toxicity that the body has been keeping trapped inside. Release the garbage that was being held for much too long, and make space for the new, delicious, vibrant powers that are making their way to you. OUT with the old, IN with the new. Practice this for just 15 minutes each day. Monitor your progress. You may notice a small (subtle) difference after Day 1, however by Day 7, you will begin to feel tremendous improvements.
What will the improvements be? This question is similar to asking how a flower smells, or what ice cream tastes like; the only way to really comprehend this is to try it for yourself, especially if you have never EVER done this before.

Why haven't most of us learned of the power of our mind? Maybe the same reason why 95% of the population is poor and middle income, while only 5% are considered rich or wealthy. This is a major secret that will never be talked about in schools, at work, nor on television. There are plenty of secrets that keep us in the dark each and everyday. Another secret is that the media subconsciously teaches the masses to use their brains in ways that will forever keep them stuck in the same place, struggling to make progress in life. Many people can work decades in a subordinate position they extremely dislike, but consider it absolutely normal; because this is what we are taught from a very young age by almost everyone we respect (especially through media programming).
Think about our loved ones that raised us from birth, how many of these people are actually living their dream life? Usually, we don't know anybody living their dream life. Even if we find one or two loved ones that claim they are living their dream, how many of them actually have the freedom (and energy) to do whatever they wish, whenever they wish, for however long they wish? This is true happiness, the main target that remains elusive to the public.
Nevertheless, since you have now read about this knowledge, you have the power. Start with the exercise outlined above, and begin to notice the very subtle changes in your landscape. If you continue to trust and acknowledge the power you have within, eventually you will begin to walk through this world effortlessly; like a genie. Your wish is truly YOUR command.

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