Trainers Box
How To Change
Beliefs With Mind Power
1. Become Aware Of Them
If many of our limiting beliefs are unconscious, how on earth can we uncover them? Look around at your life. Your day-to-day life is a graphic portrait of your beliefs. Your limiting beliefs will show up as your fears. Take a look at the following arenas of your life and as you focus on each of them, notice what feelings come up.
Self-Appreciation – How do you feel about yourself? Do you like who you are?
Relationships and Family – Do you enjoy your relationships? Are they deepening and fulfilling for you? Are you able to work through “stuff” as it comes up with those who are close to you?
Creativity, Dreams, Career and Aspirations – Is your heart fulfilled? Do you wake up in the morning excited about what you’re going to do that day? Are you sharing your unique gifts with the world?
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Do you wake up excited? |
Abundance and Money – Does money flow easily for you? Are you able to comfortably take
care of yourself and those you love? Are you able to do the things your heart
longs to do?
Did you notice any fears as you read through the list? If so, you’ve identified a limiting belief, or two or ten :-).
For example, as you put your attention on abundance and money, if you feel fear, look closer to see what the thought is that is connected to it. Sometimes the feelings come up so quickly we aren’t aware of the thought, but, trust me, it is there. If there is a feeling, there was a thought that it originated from, even if it flashed past so quickly you didn’t catch it the first time. Use your mind power to ferret it out. Questions can be used as probes. Simply go inside and ask: “What thought is at the source of this fear?” or “What is the belief that this fear comes from?”
This may take some practice but eventually, by inviting and intending clarity, your mind power will show you the thought/belief that is at the base of the fear.
2. Dismantle The Belief
Realize that you haven’t been the victim of some horrible truth that you don’t have control of. Instead, you have simply been terrorizing yourself with your own mind power! The thought form at the base of the big scary fear is actually only a wisp of energy! Without us feeding it with attention, it has no power at all.
Really take this to heart. This is an important step in un-powering and dismantling the belief. Again, these beliefs are really just thought forms. They are not reality and with some effort they can be changed.
3. What Do You Really Want?
Okay, you’ve identified where you are. You’ve gotten honest with yourself and uncovered a negative belief. Now, you need to figure out where you want to go from here and use your mind power to chart your course. Ask yourself, “What do I want in this situation?”
Using the money example above, let’s say that the belief/thought you uncovered was: “I’ll never get ahead.” So, I will assume that what you do want in this situation is to not only “get ahead” but to prosper abundantly. Hey, why not!
4. Bridge The Gap
Usually, we can’t immediately make the leap from a strong negative emotion or belief to a positive one, but using mind power we can incrementally move toward it, and get there one realistic step at a time. We can alter our beliefs by applying new thoughts to the old beliefs until we mold them into that which we prefer. Then we practice the new viewpoint or belief.
If we stop feeding something, it dies. If you stop feeding attention, water and sunlight to your house plant, it will die. Likewise if we stop feeding a limiting belief with our attention and begin feeding a positive, expansive one, the old belief will die and the new one will take root and flourish.
So, back to our example. Now that you’ve clarified what you want, you just need to make a mental bridge from “I’ll never get ahead” to “I am abundantly prosperous.” You build that bridge one thought at a time, using the power of positive thinking. What is very important is that each thought that you choose for your thought-bridge is one that you absolutely believe to be true. If you don’t believe the thought, your Emotional Feedback Guide will give you negative feelings, probably fear, and your “bridge” will collapse.
Using your mind power, reach for a thought that you not only believe on the subject, but one that brings relief and positive feelings. It might be something like, “I’m excited about uncovering this belief that has been holding me back. Now I can do something about it.” Try that out and check in with your Emotional Feedback Guide to see if that piece of your “bridge” is going to hold or not. If it is too big a leap (which you can tell by negative emotions that attend it), then try out another one like, “I know it’s possible to be prosperous, because I see that others have prosperity.”
“The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size.” - Oliver Wendell Holmes
Once you have your first thought that you believe on the subject that feels good, reach for another one that feels even better, like, “I’m happy that I’m learning these new principles because I sense they can change my life.” From there you might go to “What do I really love doing?” then, “How can I do more of that in my life right now? Okay, I can see the possibility that there is something I could do to create abundance in my life, doing something that I really love doing. I can feel my heart expanding just thinking about it. And I know that that is how I let in abundance, by keeping open to this positive energy as much as I can. Hey, this is starting to feel pretty exciting!”
As long as you keep following any trail of thought that occurs to you that brings a lighter, expanded feeling, with your mind power you will bridge your way to “I am abundantly prosperous,” or maybe “I can be abundantly prosperous doing what I love to do.” Just keep feeding this new bridge of thought whenever the subject comes up in your mind. It is also helpful to set aside reflection time to focus on this process for each belief you uncover.
You build the bridge to where you want to go simply by choosing the direction of your thoughts. There are only two directions for them to go: in a positive direction, which aligns you with your inherent wellbeing, or in a negative one, which blocks you from wellbeing. If you keep looking for and feeding the positive ones, your bridge builds itself!
For more about how your emotions can help you build this bridge to where you want to go, click here.
5. Clear Out The Residue
All of our beliefs were originally set in motion because of things that have happened to us in the past. In conjunction with building a thought bridge to a positive belief, I highly recommend clearing out the energy of the old one, as well as whatever trauma that is related to it. This process is quite easy and is described here.
Preventive Maintenance
Using mind power to uncover and release old limiting beliefs is an ongoing process. For me it certainly is. Besides identifying and cleaning out the old stuff, it is also important to stop new negative beliefs from forming while they are still in the beginning thought stage. Use your Emotional Feedback Guide to notice whenever you begin to feel negative emotion. What I’ve noticed is that the more wellbeing that I experience, the more noticeable it is when I’m feeling “off.” The negativity stands out much more and I’m far less willing to stay stuck in it.
As you go about your day, catch yourself in the act. As soon as you feel negative emotion, stop yourself and use your mind power to trace back to the thought or belief that triggered the negative feeling. As you practice the steps above, they will become easier and more automatic.
Three Levels Of Creation
As stated before, the first stage of creation begins with our mind power, our thoughts. Then on a more energized level, we create with our words. The forming power of words is much greater than the forming power of just thoughts. Then, on the next level, we create with our actions, even more powerfully than with our words.
Therefore, it is really important to watch your feelings when you talk. I’ve caught myself saying seemingly harmless declarative statements to someone like, “Boy, it’s been tough lately!” or “What a klutz I am!” and I feel all the life force drain right out of me. I can feel the gateway to my wellbeing closing off. That’s a huge tip-off to not continue speaking in that direction of thought. I feel exactly the same debilitating feelings if I say something negative about someone else. This isn’t about being “good” or “bad.” This is about allowing or sabotaging our own precious wellbeing!
Also notice how you feel as you perform different actions. Does that action evoke a positive feeling or a negative one? If it produces a negative one, it’s time to make a course correction.
All of these things – ferreting out and changing limiting beliefs, working with (and not against) your mind power to choose a positive direction of thoughts, words and actions – will make a huge difference in the quality of your life. You will feel more freedom, love and true self-empowerment than you ever knew was available!
Did you notice any fears as you read through the list? If so, you’ve identified a limiting belief, or two or ten :-).
For example, as you put your attention on abundance and money, if you feel fear, look closer to see what the thought is that is connected to it. Sometimes the feelings come up so quickly we aren’t aware of the thought, but, trust me, it is there. If there is a feeling, there was a thought that it originated from, even if it flashed past so quickly you didn’t catch it the first time. Use your mind power to ferret it out. Questions can be used as probes. Simply go inside and ask: “What thought is at the source of this fear?” or “What is the belief that this fear comes from?”
This may take some practice but eventually, by inviting and intending clarity, your mind power will show you the thought/belief that is at the base of the fear.
2. Dismantle The Belief
Realize that you haven’t been the victim of some horrible truth that you don’t have control of. Instead, you have simply been terrorizing yourself with your own mind power! The thought form at the base of the big scary fear is actually only a wisp of energy! Without us feeding it with attention, it has no power at all.
Really take this to heart. This is an important step in un-powering and dismantling the belief. Again, these beliefs are really just thought forms. They are not reality and with some effort they can be changed.
3. What Do You Really Want?
Okay, you’ve identified where you are. You’ve gotten honest with yourself and uncovered a negative belief. Now, you need to figure out where you want to go from here and use your mind power to chart your course. Ask yourself, “What do I want in this situation?”
Using the money example above, let’s say that the belief/thought you uncovered was: “I’ll never get ahead.” So, I will assume that what you do want in this situation is to not only “get ahead” but to prosper abundantly. Hey, why not!
4. Bridge The Gap
Usually, we can’t immediately make the leap from a strong negative emotion or belief to a positive one, but using mind power we can incrementally move toward it, and get there one realistic step at a time. We can alter our beliefs by applying new thoughts to the old beliefs until we mold them into that which we prefer. Then we practice the new viewpoint or belief.
If we stop feeding something, it dies. If you stop feeding attention, water and sunlight to your house plant, it will die. Likewise if we stop feeding a limiting belief with our attention and begin feeding a positive, expansive one, the old belief will die and the new one will take root and flourish.
So, back to our example. Now that you’ve clarified what you want, you just need to make a mental bridge from “I’ll never get ahead” to “I am abundantly prosperous.” You build that bridge one thought at a time, using the power of positive thinking. What is very important is that each thought that you choose for your thought-bridge is one that you absolutely believe to be true. If you don’t believe the thought, your Emotional Feedback Guide will give you negative feelings, probably fear, and your “bridge” will collapse.
Using your mind power, reach for a thought that you not only believe on the subject, but one that brings relief and positive feelings. It might be something like, “I’m excited about uncovering this belief that has been holding me back. Now I can do something about it.” Try that out and check in with your Emotional Feedback Guide to see if that piece of your “bridge” is going to hold or not. If it is too big a leap (which you can tell by negative emotions that attend it), then try out another one like, “I know it’s possible to be prosperous, because I see that others have prosperity.”
“The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size.” - Oliver Wendell Holmes
Once you have your first thought that you believe on the subject that feels good, reach for another one that feels even better, like, “I’m happy that I’m learning these new principles because I sense they can change my life.” From there you might go to “What do I really love doing?” then, “How can I do more of that in my life right now? Okay, I can see the possibility that there is something I could do to create abundance in my life, doing something that I really love doing. I can feel my heart expanding just thinking about it. And I know that that is how I let in abundance, by keeping open to this positive energy as much as I can. Hey, this is starting to feel pretty exciting!”
As long as you keep following any trail of thought that occurs to you that brings a lighter, expanded feeling, with your mind power you will bridge your way to “I am abundantly prosperous,” or maybe “I can be abundantly prosperous doing what I love to do.” Just keep feeding this new bridge of thought whenever the subject comes up in your mind. It is also helpful to set aside reflection time to focus on this process for each belief you uncover.
You build the bridge to where you want to go simply by choosing the direction of your thoughts. There are only two directions for them to go: in a positive direction, which aligns you with your inherent wellbeing, or in a negative one, which blocks you from wellbeing. If you keep looking for and feeding the positive ones, your bridge builds itself!
For more about how your emotions can help you build this bridge to where you want to go, click here.
5. Clear Out The Residue
All of our beliefs were originally set in motion because of things that have happened to us in the past. In conjunction with building a thought bridge to a positive belief, I highly recommend clearing out the energy of the old one, as well as whatever trauma that is related to it. This process is quite easy and is described here.
Preventive Maintenance
Using mind power to uncover and release old limiting beliefs is an ongoing process. For me it certainly is. Besides identifying and cleaning out the old stuff, it is also important to stop new negative beliefs from forming while they are still in the beginning thought stage. Use your Emotional Feedback Guide to notice whenever you begin to feel negative emotion. What I’ve noticed is that the more wellbeing that I experience, the more noticeable it is when I’m feeling “off.” The negativity stands out much more and I’m far less willing to stay stuck in it.
As you go about your day, catch yourself in the act. As soon as you feel negative emotion, stop yourself and use your mind power to trace back to the thought or belief that triggered the negative feeling. As you practice the steps above, they will become easier and more automatic.
Three Levels Of Creation
As stated before, the first stage of creation begins with our mind power, our thoughts. Then on a more energized level, we create with our words. The forming power of words is much greater than the forming power of just thoughts. Then, on the next level, we create with our actions, even more powerfully than with our words.
Therefore, it is really important to watch your feelings when you talk. I’ve caught myself saying seemingly harmless declarative statements to someone like, “Boy, it’s been tough lately!” or “What a klutz I am!” and I feel all the life force drain right out of me. I can feel the gateway to my wellbeing closing off. That’s a huge tip-off to not continue speaking in that direction of thought. I feel exactly the same debilitating feelings if I say something negative about someone else. This isn’t about being “good” or “bad.” This is about allowing or sabotaging our own precious wellbeing!
Also notice how you feel as you perform different actions. Does that action evoke a positive feeling or a negative one? If it produces a negative one, it’s time to make a course correction.
All of these things – ferreting out and changing limiting beliefs, working with (and not against) your mind power to choose a positive direction of thoughts, words and actions – will make a huge difference in the quality of your life. You will feel more freedom, love and true self-empowerment than you ever knew was available!
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